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Toward Equity: Time for Joy in the Midst of It All

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 12:15-1:15 p.m.

Register by Wednesday, April 16
Conway Center, Neilson Library 103

Join Benita Jackson in conversation with Dr. Kamilah Majied for faculty workers to consider and apply practical strategies and ways to enliven our experiences with “non-contingent joy” in the midst of it all. Majied is a thought leader and author of Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living. Jackson and Majied will offer practices to apply within the daily constraints and affordances of our lives to access resources for resistance and resilience. Drawing upon her expertise working with faculty of color and her decades of contemplative practice and diversity, equity and inclusion leadership, Dr. Majied engages people in experiencing wonder, humor and insight through transforming oppressive patterns and deepening relationships towards ever-improving individual, organizational and communal wellness. All faculty are welcome.

Facilitated by Benita Jackson, Professor of Psychology and Faculty Wellness Fellow, and Dr. Kamilah Majied, clinical educator, researcher, and mental health therapist